
Terms of Services

The data collected through this website are exclusively for professional use and only related to the
business relationships existing between Foodex Group and its clients. This does not exclude the
possible use of personal data in the course of this relationship.

The personal data potentially collected on this website are:
– Contact: Name, Surname, Email and your message
The data collected are used for the following purpose:
– Access and use of the website
– Fight against fraud, abusive use of information, virus and malwares
– Creation of your professional profile required for our business relationships
– Sales contacts
– Sending of sales information related to our business

When certain data are required to access specific functionalities of our website, this requirement is
highlighted during the collection. If you refuse to submit these data, this will prevent you from
accessing certain services, functionalities or pages of our website

Your personal data are stored as long as required, except if you request their deletion (by simple
request to dpo@foodex.fr, but with the attachment of a valid Identification Document) or if a legal
compliance requires a longer duration

During this storage period, the company implements organizational, software and legal actions to
ensure confidentiality and security of data, preventing their deletion, modification or access by
unauthorized persons
The access to your personal data is strictly limited to Foodex Group employees, granted appropriate
habilitations due to their position, including confidentiality obligations. In limited cases, your
personal data can be transferred to third parties providing services to ensure proper operation of
the website, without requiring your formal agreement. It must be stipulated that these accesses are
limited to necessary data and monitored by contractual agreements stating their legal obligations in
terms of private data protection.

Apart from the above-mentioned cases, Foodex Group pledges to not send, rent, sell or make
accessible your private data without your prior consent, unless it is under the constraint of a
legitimate motive (legal obligation, fight against fraud, legal defense…)

Certain receivers of the collected Private data are located out of the European Union, in Japan. A
contract of data protection has been signed with them, based on the model clauses of the direction
95/46/CE of the 24th October 1995, in course at the date of signature.

In accordance with the legal constraints applicable, and in particular the law N° 78-17 dated 6 Th
January 1978 modified, related to Information Technology, files and freedom, and the EU regulation
2016/679/UE dated 27 th April 2016, you have the following rights:
– To request access to your personal data
– To request the update of such data if they are not accurate
– To request portability of deletion of your data
– To request the limitation of treatments of your personal data
– To oppose, for legitimate reasons, the processing of your personal data
– To oppose or cancel your consent to the use by our services of personal data for the sending
of sales promotions, emails, SMS, phone calls or postal mails

These rights can be exercised by sending an email to dpo@foodex.fr or by postal mail to the
attention of:
Foodex S.A.S.
4 impasse des Carrières
75016 Paris

For safety reasons, and in order to avoid frauds, all requests will have to be attached with an
appropriate copy of Identification document. This document will be destroyed after reception and

In case of issue, you can contact the French “Commission Nationale Informatique et Liberté”

This site is registered on wpml.org as a development site.